Chirag Shetty/Satwiksairaj Rankireddy Win Historic Gold for India at 2022 Asian Games

Chirag Shetty/Satwiksairaj Rankireddy clinch the gold medal at the 2022 Asian Games. (Photo: AFP)
Chirag Shetty/Satwiksairaj Rankireddy clinch the gold medal at the 2022 Asian Games. (Photo: AFP)

Hangzhou: After a 41-year wait, India’s badminton scene lit up with Satwiksairaj Rankireddy/Chirag Shetty claiming a monumental gold medal at the Asian Games 2022, held in Hangzhou. Their achievement marked India’s first medal in badminton since Leroy D’sa and Pradeep Gandhe’s bronze medal in 1982, and this time, it’s a gold medal.

After triumphantly clinching the Asian Badminton Championships earlier this year, the world No. 3 extended their sparkling form. They showcased sheer dominance with a 21-18, 21-16 victory against South Korea’s world no. 15 pair, Choi Sol-gyu/Kim Won-ho in the Asian Games final.

The initial match narrative seemed to favor the Koreans, leading most of the opening game. However, resilience defined the day for the Indian pair. Despite trailing in the early stages, Shetty/Rankireddy pivoted with an immaculate strategy, meticulously directing their shots and varying the pace of rallies to outmaneuver their opponents.

The Koreans, fresh off an upset win against the Tokyo 2020 Olympic champions in the semis, were formidable opponents. With the opening game leaning 18-15 in favor of Choi and Kim, the Indian team staged a stirring comeback, pulling six consecutive points to shift the balance.

The second game saw toe-to-toe exchanges, but the Indian maestros steadily edged out, wrapping up the match in 57 minutes. This marked India’s third consecutive win against this South Korean pair.

Backing up this gold, the dynamic duo previously ousted renowned players, such as the 2022 World Champions from Malaysia Aaron Chia/Soh Wooi Yik, to reach the finals. They also assured a medal by besting Singapore’s Nge Joo Jie/Johann Prajogo in the quarter-finals.

Indian badminton fans have much to celebrate, as the nation culminated its run at Hangzhou 2022 with three shiny medals. Besides the gold in the men’s doubles individual event, Rankireddy/Shetty contributed to the men’s team silver, while HS Prannoy added a bronze in the men’s singles individual event.

In the men’s singles final, Li Shi Feng of China saw off compatriot 23-21, 21-13 to clinch the gold.


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