Brian Yang and Yeo Jia Min Test Positive for COVID-19

Brian Yang and Yeo Jia Min Test Positive for COVID-19. (photo: AFP)
Brian Yang and Yeo Jia Min Test Positive for COVID-19. (photo: AFP)

Kuala Lumpur: Canada’s World No. 39 men’s singles player – Brian Yang and Singapore’s World No. 17 women’s singles players shared their health updates on Facebook after they were both tested positive for the COVID-19.

Last Saturday, Yang felt ill and decided to retire from the 2022 India Open semi-final match against reigning World Champion – Loh Kean Yew of Singapore.

Meanwhile, the India Open No. 3 seed Yeo granted a walkover to No. 6 seed Supanida Katethong of Thailand in the quarter-finals last Friday.

Yang posted the following message on his Facebook on Sunday.

“Hey everyone:
A lot of people have been asking me why I withdrew from the semifinals at the India Open 500, and how I’m doing right now. I wanted to let you guys know the whole truth, so here it is:
On the morning of the quarterfinals I woke up to a pretty sore throat, which was the initial sign that I was coming down with something. I didn’t feel that terrible though, so I decided to play the quarter final match, but after the match I could feel my condition getting worse and worse. By the next morning I had a slight fever and a headache along with a sore throat, and my body just felt really weak. I knew for sure that with how I was feeling, there was no way I could play the semis that day, so I decided to tell the referee I was withdrawing.
I was originally supposed to play the Syed Modi International the next week, but I decided to change my flight and head back to Canada, with a transfer in Dubai. My pre-departure test from the quarter finals day was negative, so I thought I was covid-free, but I was required to do another test in Dubai, and unfortunately, I tested positive.
I’m currently isolating in Dubai for 10 days, but hopefully I can recover well and get back on court soon.
Thanks to everyone who reached out and checked up on me, I appreciate it a lot. I’ll see you guys soon 👋”

On Monday, Yeo also wrote on Facebook with the message below:
“Hey everyone ,
I know I’ve been quiet since the last story update about my withdrawal from the India open quarterfinals last Thursday. Many has sent me get well messages and asking me for an update of how I am right now . Really thank you so much . 🤍🙂
Sorry it’s been pretty hectic in the midst of trying to recover physically . I’m currently back in Singapore but I’ve been tested positive . I am now in isolation and complying with all the procedures .
I will do my best to recover well and get back on court soon . Thank you for all the love and care, it means a lot to me especially during this time .
Sending love back , I’ll see you soon xx🤍” would like to wish them a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing them in action very soon.


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